How To Build And Develop Good Habits

How to build and develop good habits

Interested in learning how to build and develop good habits so you can get rid of the bad ones and become a better person capable of achieving success in every area of life?

Are you finding it difficult to let go of all those bad habits that are impacting your life negatively?

Are you looking for effective strategies to help you build up new habits that can impact your life positively?

We pick up bad habits easily and find it very difficult to let go of them.

Likewise, we make conscious efforts to develop good habits but find ourselves giving up along the line.

Hence, making it difficult to build and develop good habits.

However, with a lot of self-discipline, effective strategies, commitment, and hard work you can learn to build and develop good habits.

By learning how to build and develop good habits, you’ll be able to improve the quality of your life.

Furthermore, building good habits will help you stay productive and efficient whilst working hard to achieve your goals.

So, in this blog post, we’ll tell you all you need to know about how to build and develop good habits.

Read on to discover what these tips are.

How To Build And Develop Good Habits

how to develop good habits

Before we move on to discuss how to build and develop good habits, let’s lay some background on the topic.

What Are Habits?

Habits are regular practices or tendencies that are usually hard to give up.

In other words, they are things you get so used to doing overtime that it becomes so difficult to give them up.

There are bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, procrastinating, unhealthy eating among others.

More so, there are good habits such as eating healthy, exercising, reading, waking up early among others.

Habits can make or break you, depending on the kind of habits that you develop.

Whether you develop good habits or bad habits it would greatly impact your personality.

It is suggested that our habits account for 40 percent of our behavior on any given day.

So if you have bad habits, you’ll tend to have bad behavior and vice versa.

However, the good thing about habits is that you can change them.

Yes! old habits die hard however, with consistency and hard work you can learn to change them.

So, if you want to have an excellent personality or a personality for success either in business or life generally;

Work on your habits.

Change your bad habits that contradict the habits of successful people.

Overall, developing good habits will benefit you more and impact your life positively than bad habits.

Let’s find out how to build and develop good habits.

Steps On How To Build And Develop Good Habits 

how to build good habits and break bad ones

These are effective steps on how to build and develop good habits.

This so that you can replace all those bad habits impacting your life negatively.

Hence, helping you become a better, healthier, productive, and more efficient individual overall.

To build and develop good habits you should;

Identify The Habit

tips for keeping good habits

The first step you would want to take to build and develop a good habit is to identify the habit(s).

The first step to solving any problem is to first identify the problem.

Only then can you know how to go about solving the problem.

Hence, you’ll need to first identify what good habits it is that you want to develop to improve your personality.

More so, you’ll need to identify what bad habits it is that you want to exchange with the good habits you are trying to build and develop.

For example, maybe you’ve noticed that you have bad spending habits and it is affecting your financial life.

Hence, you’ll need to identify what good habits such as creating a budget and sticking to it, spending less among others that you’ll need to develop.

After identifying them, you can now make plans for building and developing them.

Start Small

creating good habits

Another important tip to keep in mind on how to build and develop good habits is to start small.

By this, we mean that you start with building and developing small habits and gradually progress into more complex habits.

More so, starting small requires taking small steps at first.

This is because small steps are easy to take.

Furthermore, when something is easy to do the chances of remaining consistent and succeeding at it are higher.

B.J Fogg, a researcher at Standford University and author of the book “Tiny Habits” stated that big behavior changes require quite a lot of motivation to continue.

Also, according to him, most times this motivation can be quite difficult to sustain.

In essence, when you start small it’ll be easy to stay consistent and motivated to continue with the habit.

For example, let’s say you want to build and develop a good habit of reading at least one book a week.

To achieve this, you’ll need to read at least four to five chapters per day depending on how the book is structured.

This can be a really difficult habit for you to follow since reading is a new habit you are trying to develop.

So, to effectively build and develop this habit, you’ll need to start small.

Start small by reading small portions of the book daily and progress to larger portions as you begin to get comfortable with reading.

Thus helping you remain consistent as you try to build and develop a reading habit.

Whatever good habit you are trying to develop, starting small will make the whole process easier and efficient.

More so, this tip can also be applied to get rid of a bad habit; start small then take bigger steps as you progress.

Have A Positive Mindset

develop good habits

To be able to achieve anything worthwhile including building and developing good habits, you must have a positive mindset.

A positive mindset is one that lets you believe that you can achieve anything that you set out to achieve.

Furthermore, having a positive mindset means asking how it can be done rather than saying it can’t be done.

It is being optimistic whilst chasing your goals.

Yes, building and developing good habits, and sticking to them can be difficult but not impossible.

More so, getting rid of a bad habit can be very difficult but not impossible to achieve.

Instead of filling your mind with negative thoughts of how difficult it would be to develop the new habit; focus more on how it can be done.

For example, maybe you want to build and develop a new habit of exercising thrice a  week.

Instead of filling your mind with the negative thoughts of how difficult exercising can be; keep positive thoughts of how healthier you’ll be and how you’ll be in great shape.

If you constantly have negative thoughts about the habits you’re trying to build, you’ll feel demotivated.

Hence, making it difficult for you to build and develop a good habit.

So, instead of worrying and focusing on the number of ways things could go wrong focus on the present moment; that is the good habit you are trying to develop and how it can impact your life positively.

Focus On One Habit At A Time

how to create lasting habits

When you want to build and develop good habits, it’s best to go at it one habit at a time.

This is a more suitable, efficient, and effective step to take.

You might have a bucket list of good habits that you want to build and develop in other to improve on your personality.

For example, you might want to build and develop good habits such as; reading, exercising, eating healthy, practicing gratitude, meditation among others

Likewise, you might have a bucket list of bad habits that you want to stop such as smoking, drinking, eating junks, lying among others.

Furthermore, you might be tempted to focus on taking care of everything in your bucket list at once and get over with it.

Handling too many things at once is a sure way to achieve nothing.

This is because your attention would be divided into so many places.

More so, you’ll have to focus your time and energy on too many things all at once.

This can be very exhausting.

Learning to build and develop a good habit requires a lot of commitment and will power.

So, if you focus your time, energy, and willpower on trying to build and develop too many good habits all at once, you’ll get exhausted and end up achieving nothing at all.

According to the American Psychological Association; Willpower is a limited resource, the more you use it, the more it diminishes.

So, if you focus on building reading, exercising, and meditating habits all at once, you’ll quickly become exhausted from having to work on these habits each day.

Instead, focus on building and developing one habit at a time.

Thereby, helping you effectively build and develop good habits.

Set Goals And Have A Plan

developing good habits

Having a plan when trying to build and develop a good habit is another great tip to keep in mind.

More so, having a plan is a necessary ingredient for achieving any goal.

So if you want to successfully achieve your goal of building and developing a new habit, have a plan.

Set S.M.A.R.T goals and have a plan for when you want to start working on building and developing the new habit.

Have a plan for the necessary course of action you need to take to successfully achieve your goal of building a new habit.

For example, let’s say you want to lose weight in order to look good and feel healthy.

To achieve this, you’ll need to build a habit of exercising and eating healthy.

Hence, you’ll need to set goals and have a plan for how many times in a week you’ll have to exercise, the kind of exercises you’ll do, the kind of food you’ll eat and so on.

You’ll also need to have a plan and decide on if you would be exercising at home or going to the gym.

Make A Routine Out Of It: Do It Everyday

how to change your habits and build good habits

Another great way to develop and build a good habit is to make a routine out of it.

Whatever good habits it is that you are trying to build and develop, consider doing it daily.

You can achieve this by making the habit or habits part of your daily morning or night routine.

This way, you’ll get used to it as it would become part of you.

Thus making the habit stick.

For example, let’s say you want to build and develop a reading habit.

If you consider, reading at least one or two pages or chapters of a book daily either in the morning or at night before you sleep, it would become easier to get used to it.

Thus helping you build and develop a good habit.

Don’t Be Hard On Yourself; Appreciate And Celebrate Your Small Wins

how to build habits

When it comes to building and developing new habits, it’s ok to want to notice major changes or progress as quickly as possible.

However, do not get so caught up in this feeling that you forget to notice and appreciate your small wins.

Learning to stay appreciative of and celebrating your small wins will help you stay motivated whilst trying to build and develop a good habit.

So, learn to reward yourself for the progress you’ve made no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

This would make you feel better, happier, and push you further to achieve more so you can reward yourself even more.

However, your reward shouldn’t be such that it would jeopardize the efforts you’ve made so far.

For example, you are trying to build and develop the habit of eating healthy and so far you’ve made little progress in doing this.

More so, you’re beginning to notice little changes in your body and you’re impressed.

Rewarding yourself by eating unhealthy snacks like pastries you’ve been craving for would jeopardize all the efforts you’ve made so far.

Hence, your reward should be such that it boosts your efforts and not the other way round.

Identify Things That Could Hold You Back And Deal With Them

formation of good habits

In trying to build and develop a good habit, there could be things, people, or circumstances that might serve as setbacks.

Some of these things could be man-made and some times it could be a result of situations that you can’t control.

Hence, when trying to build and develop a good habit, it’s best to identify what these things are or could be and how to deal with them.

For example, you are trying to build and develop a good habit of reading.

Hence, you’ll need to identify some of the things that could hold you back such as; your busy work schedule, the noisy atmosphere at home, or your favorite TV series you catch up with every day.

After, identifying some of the things that could hold you back, you’ll need to come up with a plan to deal with them.

For example, you could use some time out of your break time to read a little.

More so, you could decide to get noise-canceling headphones to help you deal with the noise or decide not to renew your TV subscription so you can have more time to read.

Thus, helping you build and develop a good habit.

Create A Support  And Accountability System

implement habits

To effectively build and develop good habits that stick, ensure that you have people to support you and people you can be accountable to.

Just as with achieving any other goal, you’ll need support and motivation to successfully build and develop a good habit.

This is because building and developing a good habit can be quite difficult to achieve.

Hence, you’ll need positive-minded people that would support and motivate you to achieve this goal.

More so, you’ll need people who can hold you accountable for completing the goals you set out to achieve.

For instance, if you want to build a good habit of eating healthy and you let your friends, family, and loved ones know about it

They’ll support you by keeping unhealthy snacks/food far away from you.

Also, knowing that people are expecting you to achieve better results with the good habit you are trying to develop would motivate you to keep pushing to achieve good results.

Thus helping you to build and develop good habits.

Final Thoughts On How To Build And Develop Good Habits

habit formation

There, you have 9 tips on how to build and develop good habits.

Building and developing good habits is necessary for achieving success either as a business owner, entrepreneur, leader, or just a regular individual.

Little wonder successful people have good habits such as reading, exercising, meditating, and all the other things that they do to help them be the best they can be in all areas of life.

Building and developing good habits can be difficult but not impossible to achieve.

More so, it requires a lot of patience, commitment, planning, and will power to successfully build a new habit.

Overall, building and developing good habits could take as long as 21 days or more or less depending on how well you commit to it.

Hence, use these tips to build and develop all the good habits you desire so you can improve your personality and be the best version of yourself overall.

Apply this and tell us all about your experience in the comment section below.

Here’s to a better you and a better life.

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How To Build And Develop Good Habits