Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

Are you familiar with the concept of lone wolf syndrome entrepreneurs?

When we talk about an entrepreneur, the picture that often comes to mind is a man in a suit, surrounded by a team, board of directors, and the likes.

Well, it would surprise you to know that not all entrepreneurs fit your perception of what they should be like.

Hence, we will explain the lone wolf syndrome, what it entails, and why it is deadly to entrepreneurship.

Let’s start by discussing what the lone wolf syndrome is all about.

What is the Lone Wolf Syndrome; Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

What is Lone Wolf in entrepreneurship

The lone wolf syndrome is a kind of personality that is characterized by individualism and self-isolation from other people.

Now we know what you may say, “You can’t always do everything with a group of people.”

The difference between this personality and other personality types is that they never want to function in a group at any moment in their lives.

Furthermore, this personality type gets its name from the wolves, who live or hunt in groups.

They are often referred to as communal animals.

However, when a wolf decides to go against the pack and start living independently, it breaks an order.

Hence, our discussion emphasizes that the act of wanting to be a lone wolf makes surviving a lot harder.

Although many people are comfortable with being this way, and we respect that.

However, it is not a personality that encourages growth.

Now a global bugging question about the lone wolf syndrome is, is it a negative characteristic?

That is quite a subjective question depending on how you want to look at it.

Also, we think you can’t judge because human beings were meant to function as communal beings.

Another point is that people tend to avoid people with the lone wolves personality because they see them as trouble or proud.

The Lone Wolf

Syndrome Entrepreneur

What is lone wolf mentality

Now that we have established the facts of the lone wolf syndrome, how do we tie that down to entrepreneurs?

A lone wolf entrepreneur is an entrepreneur with the mindset of going about business alone.

That is, making all the decisions and executing all the plans alone.

Sadly, many budding entrepreneurs with this mindset believe that they can do everything on their own.

That they can be absolute, answering to only themselves and taking care of everything.

But how do you sustain a business without help from a team?

However, this is almost impossible as no business or entrepreneur skyrockets from the ground to the top alone.

The lone wolf syndrome does not fit with entrepreneurship because a man with an idea is just a man until other people work with him to fulfill the idea.

A follower needs to test the ability of an entrepreneur before others can dance in the same tune.

It is important to note that validation births legitimate entrepreneurs.

Being a lone wolf may be quite convenient in the real world, but it leads to failure and stagnation in the world of business.

As an entrepreneur, do not think that leadership means being the sole organizer.

Instead, it means being able to shield, listen, and accommodate people’s ideas.

Only then can you be sure that your business really does serve the public.

Furthermore, another issue we should discuss is the factors that give rise to the lone wolf syndrome entrepreneur.

What Factors Inform the Lone Wolf Syndrome in Entrepreneurs?

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Here, we look at the factors that contribute to the lone wolf syndrome in entrepreneurs.

1. To Avoid Criticism

There are lots of people who cannot stand hearing that they are not doing something right.

They may feel humiliated, scorned, or degraded.

While others get over it, they dwell and sulk over disapproval.

This is a trait that is accompanied by low self-esteem.

A normal person will always take correction and move on, but not the lone wolf syndrome entrepreneur.

That is why they prefer not to have people around them for fear of criticisms.

2. Introverted Nature/Personality

Introverts also have the possibility of becoming lone wolf entrepreneurs.

This is because these people are often loners and exist independently of other people.

Also, they cannot summon the courage to ask for help.

They are quite shy and will only make things awkward.

Responding very well to social circumstances is a challenge for them.

So, instead of running a business with others, they would just rather run it by themselves.

This is because addressing a team will always be a daily struggle.

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3. Insecurities/Lack of Self-Confidence

The feeling of insecurity characterizes their personality.

They may avoid bringing people on board because they have no faith in their capabilities.

Also, they usually lack confidence in themselves and try to avoid people pointing this out to them.

Hence, they try to handle everything themselves.

4. A Desire to Avoid Disturbance/Distractions

Many people live in a world of their imaginations that they feel whatever others have to offer might be a diversion from their initial plans.

They don’t trust other people’s opinions and would rather stick with theirs, however short-sighted it may seem.

A funny fact is that these people may sometimes be quite creative.

However, to execute their ideas, they have to be far away from other humans as possible.

5. The Belief that Team Effort is Too Much Hard Work

Lone wolf syndrome entrepreneurs believe that preparing and putting together a team is hard work that they could easily do away with.

Since they find it hard to trust anyone, they may think that no one is sufficient to handle tasks.

6.  The Desire to Function Alone

These are the ones who contemplate bringing in helpers when they can handle it alone.

They often consider the hierarchical system of scrutinizing ideas and would rather be the only voice who could approve or disprove anytime they want.

7. The Belief that Hiring a Team is Costly

They believe that hiring a team will waste the money they should have put into the business.

Also, they often consider the cost of bringing others on board and would rather save the money than employ extra labor.

8. To Maintain Relationship

One of the excuses of lone-wolf entrepreneurs is that they do not want business problems to destroy their relationships with people.

Over 5% of friendships in the US are indeed lost over a business deal.

So, they rather operate alone without help from so-called business partners.

9. Wanting the Profit for Themselves

It may shock you to know that one of the reasons lone wolf syndrome entrepreneurs go into business alone is so they can keep all the profits for themselves.

Indeed many business partners/investors tend to be greedy when it comes to sharing profits in business.

They often tend to want to eat into the profit/hard work of the business owner.

Nevertheless, this is quite different from wanting to do business alone to avoid sharing profits.

Entrepreneurs can definitely have people working with them and still keep the profit to themselves.

Indeed, many factors could be responsible for the lone wolf syndrome in entrepreneurs.

Nevertheless, it’s not a good mindset to have in business as an entrepreneur and should be discarded.

Here’s why.

Why Should an Entrepreneur Discard the Lone Wolf Syndrome Mindset When Starting a Business?

How do you handle a lone wolf

Why is it a problem if there is no team effort?

Here are a few reasons why your business may suffer from the absence of support…

1. The Work Pace Might be Slow

Thinking that always doing things on your own is the best way may be wrong.

It takes team efforts to row a boat to the shore.

The point is that you will become weary from doing all the work on your own.

Being the only one behind decisions and ideas will make the work procedures longer.

In addition to that, it is quite exhausting and counterproductive.

2. Ideas Maybe Short-Sighted

A successful team is always full of various ideas.

This is because the different personalities influence their ideas.

Where one idea does not work, there always is an alternate.

However, imagine if one person always brought ideas that all looked and sounded the same.

There would never be an interesting twist to the narrative because they all come from one person.

These ideas may also be short-sighted in the sense that it does not take into consideration prospects.

Lone Wolf Syndrome: Starting a Business Alone

3. Susceptibility to Failure

If there is no support from a strong team, a company may be prone to failure.

This may result from a combination of slow work pace, less growth, lack of varieties, and lack of corroborations.

We have already stated that a lack of attestation from a team concerning your leadership and enterprise is not a sign of good entrepreneurship.

A team working together to maintain the relevance of an enterprise in society will withstand whatever challenges that may threaten their legitimacy.

4. Less Profit

One of the downsides of being a lone wolf syndrome entrepreneur is that less profit will be made.

A slow work pace leads to slow production of services which will, in turn, lead to less income and fewer profits.

If most profitable businesses experience a crippling cash-flow crisis, imagine what would become of your business.

5. Ineffective Planning Strategies

When a lone wolf goes into business, problems will always be tackled from only one end.

This is because one of the needed characteristics of a business is a sturdy organizational structure that has been padded through years of planning.

How can you run a company without a carefully laid down structure?

It will be impossible to do it all on your own.

The tedious hours that go into devising ways to solve business problems will require teammates.

6. Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs are More Prone to Stressors

Just imagine a world where everyone did things without the help of others; it would be tiring.

We all know the hard work that goes into running a business, even with a team; how much more alone.

Overall, working several hours a day could really start to make you more susceptible to stress, burnout, and health issues.

What is the myth of the “Lone Wolf” entrepreneur

7. Incompetent Leadership 

The best test of leadership is when you actually have a group of people to lead.

Likewise, an entrepreneur’s leadership has to be supported by followers.

Being an entrepreneur is not all about having ideas and building an enterprise.

You need people who will attest that you are capable of leading an enterprise.

Also, when we talk about leading, we do not mean being a dictator.

We are referring to a leader who is proficient and takes into consideration other’s points of view.

Overall, a lone wolf syndrome entrepreneur cannot get this kind of approval because he does not function amidst people.

How to Overcome the Lone Wolf Syndrome in Entrepreneurship

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Undoubtedly, you have seen that the lone wolf syndrome approach to entrepreneurship is not the best decision as this can significantly hinder your progress and growth in all business endeavors.

Comprehending this fact is essential for building a winning enterprise.

To achieve your vision for your dream business, you should be open to working with other like-minded individuals.

But how do you overcome the lone wolf tendency?

Here are a few steps to take…

1. Let Go of the Mentality; Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

We acknowledge that the lone wolf syndrome is often tied to our personality traits.

We also understand that this is a way of life that cannot just be discarded.

However, since this is a mentality you carry in business, it often needs personal convictions to get rid of.

Moreover, no one can help you without you taking that first step.

Hence, choose to be open to social interactions and situations.

This is the first step toward overcoming the lone wolf syndrome.

2. Overcome the Lone Wolf Syndrome by Creating a Team

Creating a team does not just mean rounding up a group of people and barking instructions at them.

It is a deliberate process that takes hard work and care to put together.

How do you create a team of achievers?

Firstly, make sure that whoever you bring to the team has the same goals for the business as you do.

That way, you know that the interest of the company is secured.

Also, try to evaluate these individuals with set down qualifications and how worthy they are of these positions handed to them.

These are the criteria that will determine how well they will contribute to the growth of the business.

Overall, teamwork encourages productivity, creativity, support, civility, proficiency, and talent custody for future purposes.

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3. Learn to Trust

Study shows that one of the reasons lone wolf entrepreneurs function on their own is lack of trust.

They do not believe that people will genuinely stick give their best to see their business grow.

Hence, they tend to keep their business away from people.

So, to overcome this fear, learn to trust other people.

Try to see the good in humanity and stop having pre-conceived notions of individuals.

Take chances by trusting and putting yourself out there.

If you get disappointed, pick yourself up and try again.

In business, trust is an important quality that every entrepreneur must-have.

Having faith in other sections’ ability to do well even when you are not present will lift some burden off you.

4. Overcome Your Lone Wolf Tendencies by Building Social Connections

People with lone wolf syndrome are usually timid people.

This may be alright for daily life, but as an entrepreneur, it is not suitable for the health of your business.

Learn to be more outgoing by attending social events.

You could attend business seminars or any other social gathering.

Here’s a tip: Try this in your personal life first, and it will slowly extend to your business life.

Also, get invested by lending a helping hand to your friends.

Belong to a social networking group where you can share your life experiences.

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5. Hire a Life Coach

A life coach will come in when you can not escape this mental trap on your own.

A life coach may help you improve in whatever area you want to improve on.

However, you should be willing and honest enough to confront your demons.

A good life coach will push you past your limit and challenge you to jump the hurdles you’re stuck in.

Overall, a good life coach will walk you through the process of overcoming this syndrome.

6. Try Traveling; Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

Traveling allows you to see the world from other people’s points of view.

You could also experience new ways of doing things.

Discovering the different ways and cultures of life could convince you that socializing with people may not be bad.

This will help broaden your mental horizon and make you more open to a community of effective roles.

Wrapping Up on Lone Wolf Syndrome Entrepreneurs

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Above all, seeking some solace or distance from the ever noisy world we live in is not a crime nor a sign of mental health problems.

In fact, research shows that solitude or self-isolation can boost creativity.

However, not in all cases, as long time solitude can lead to mental health problems and other related diseases.

Moreover, human beings are wired to exist in groups because no one can survive alone.

Hence, as an entrepreneur, this fact is crucial, learn to form connections that could boost the business status.

Lone wolf syndrome entrepreneurs often die off in the game because they can’t sustain their organization due to lack of support.

Hence give up this mentality of being alone in business.

More so, ask for help if you are stuck because no one knows it all.

Are you a lone wolf planning on going into business?

Leave a comment down below on how you have struggled to cope with the need of wanting to function alone.