Problem-Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Problem Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Are you wondering what problem-solving skills every entrepreneur should have? 

Problem-solving is a basic skill that every entrepreneur should have.

Sometimes, you solve problems without really thinking too much about it.

When you are a businessperson, developing problem-solving skills is an important responsibility.

Your business will not succeed if you don’t know how to solve problems.

Furthermore, creative problem-solving in entrepreneurship is one of the vital keys to business success.

Hence, every success-oriented entrepreneur should be a passionate problem-solver.

Problem Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

problem solving skills for entrepreneurship development

There are different problem-solving techniques to solve problems in business.

Business problems require different approaches; they require different levels of problem-solving skills.

Some business problems are easy to solve.

On the other hand, others demand a lot more thought and a thorough, skillful, and mature approach.

The fact remains that when you decide to start a business, you have to hone your problem-solving skills.

This particular skills-set is one of the more important traits of an entrepreneur.

Additionally, a smart business owner knows how to identify potential problem areas.

He/she should then begin to look for solutions to the problem.

Importance of Problem Solving Skills

Why is problem solving important in entrepreneurship

What is the importance of developing problem-solving skills?

Problem-solving skills are important in business because of the following reasons.

  •  It helps you resolve and avoid risky challenges

While it is important to know everything you can about the business that you are engaged in, knowledge alone is not enough.

You need to anticipate problematic situations.

Additionally, you need to address them with the appropriate problem-solving tools.

You have to know what systematic approach to use to solve the problem and stop it from becoming worse.

  • It makes you a better businessman

Most people are trained to do their jobs well.

Only a few individuals have problem-solving skills.

As an entrepreneur, if you have problem-solving skills, you have a better chance of solving unexpected business problems.

Hence, positioning your business for success.

  • It elicits respect

When people see you confidently solving problems that crop up in your enterprise, they are likely to view you with greater respect.

Also, they are more likely to recognize and appreciate your efforts and to cooperate with you.

Problem-solving skills bolster your self-esteem.

Furthermore, they help you handle your business responsibilities with self-confidence and ease.

When you know that you can navigate your way efficiently through the different stages of problem-solving, you stop worrying about problems.

Steps to Problem Solving

How do you identify and solve a problem

Problem-solving is a process.

You need to go through a series of steps to get the results that you want.

The different stages of problem-solving include.

  •  Defining the problem

Problem-solving is based on the premise that something is wrong or could be made better.

Hence, when solving problems, identify the problem by asking yourself what exactly it is that you want to fix or to solve.

This stage enables you to establish a goal for fixing the problem.

Even more, it enables you to recognize opportunities that could be very beneficial to your business.

  •  Exploring the different strategies likely to solve the problem

This stage includes brainstorming for different ways to address the problem.

List down all the possible solutions your team comes up with.

A more difficult problem sometimes requires a long list of viable solutions.

  • Determining the best solution

After you have drawn up your list, study the options thoroughly.

Which one is the most effective?

This will point out the solution that works best to solve or improve the situation and help you achieve your objective.

Which one is the most efficient?

This will point out which solution is affordable and convenient to apply.

Which one presents limited adverse consequences?

This will point out which solution has the lowest risk of negative side effects on the business.

  • Implementing the best course of action

This stage includes planning and actual implementation of the solution you have chosen based on the criteria already discussed.

Many experienced businessmen suggest that it’s better to implement the solution in short cycles.

This is because it gives you the opportunity to incorporate periods for testing and feedback.

Even more, you can make adjustments when called for.

  • Learning from the situation

Was the solution successful for solving the problem?

Solutions are not always “perfect” the first time.

Due to this reason, it is important for you to review the entire process.

Find out what elements of the solution worked and what didn’t.

Furthermore, determine the impact of the solution.

Reviewing results helps enhance your long-term problem-solving skills.

The next time you are faced with a similar problem, you are likely to address it more successfully and far more quickly.

You can get better at problem-solving.

It is a skill that you can build and improve on with practice.

Problem Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

How should an entrepreneur solve the problem

If you want to effectively solve the vital problems you encounter in your business, you need to develop several critical problem-solving skills.

The following skills will help you turn problems into opportunities, and make your business stronger.

  • Critical thinking skills

This is a very important problem-solving skill every entrepreneur should have.

Your brain is your most powerful asset.

Nothing compares with it when it comes to data processing and problem-solving.

You will have a difficult time steering your business to great heights if you don’t use your brainpower.

Critical thinking helps you to identify potential threats and turn them into opportunities.

Business success relies on great ideas, thoughts, and images that your mind generates.

Furthermore, this helps you to come up with decisive intentions and exceptional business plans.

The following strengths are products of critical thinking.

  • Business intelligence
  • Competence
  • Financial aptitude
  • Idea generation
  • Forecasting
  • Planning
  • Strategic execution of projects

If you and your team lack critical thinking skills, business success would be difficult to achieve.

Also, a person with high critical thinking skills looks at the problem in a logical, objective manner.

He makes no judgment about the issue.

More so, he gathers all the pertinent information and analyzes them before coming to a conclusion.

  • Competent grasp of the business

Firstly, it is imperative that you understand the business you are in if you want to succeed.

If you haven’t developed this yet, you should at least have the intention of doing so.

The sooner you take the steps to acquire this particular skill as an entrepreneur, the better it is for your business.

You can’t make your business succeed if you don’t know how it works.

Furthermore, you can’t effectively solve problems that you don’t understand.

Bill Gates made billions by sharpening his expertise in software development.

Furthermore, Donald Trump made sure he had a thorough understanding of everything related to real estate.

George Soros was able to amass his fortune by making sure that he understood global financial markets and knew how to handle market volatility.

To be successful, it is essential to understand your line of business.

You can develop your knowledge level by reading books and magazines.

Similarly, you can listen to experienced businessmen.

Doing research, attending seminars, and studying and evaluating industry trends are also ways to sharpen your knowledge.

The fastest and most reliable way to understand your business is to get your hands dirty.

This simply means that you have to take risks and put yourself on the line.

You need experience so you can thoroughly understand your business.

There are times when you will make mistakes.

The important thing is to learn from your mistakes.

As a result, you’ll become stronger and more confident after surviving those tough situations.

  • Creative or lateral thinking skills



Startup idea problems to solve


A person with these skills is able to think outside the box.

He/she is an innovator.

Also, he/she looks at problems from a fresh and original perspective.

Hence, they do not apply a one-dimensional approach to problem-solving.

A creative thinker digs deep into a problem.

He/she goes beyond the surface.

Hence, such a person is able to come up with unusual but practical solutions.

  • People skills

People skills is another important problem-solving skill an entrepreneur needs to develop.

When you invest in a business, you have to know how to approach and handle people, employees, customers, suppliers, consultants.

You have to build team spirit and constructively channel the skills of the people you work with.

Additionally, you have to think, plan, and work in synergy with them.

You can’t successfully do all these without adequate people skills.

  • Conviction

You will not be able to persevere in your effort to make your business succeed if you don’t have the conviction that you can make things work.

If you don’t believe that you can find a good solution, you will give up.

You will not continue trying to look for ways to address a problem.

Your conviction that there is a solution keeps you focused.

In addition to that, it helps you stay positive.

Also, it motivates you to keep looking until you find a way to improve the situation.

When you allow doubts and pessimism to fill your mind, the solutions will really stay way beyond your grasp.

  • Decisiveness

Another important problem-solving skill an entrepreneur should have is to be a good decision-maker.

A good entrepreneur is able to make firm decisions and take timely action.

Hence, when you are faced with a problem, you have to be quick on your feet.

You have to get all the facts quickly and analyze the situation.

You have to think of possible alternative approaches to solve the problem, and quickly decide what action to take.

Also, you have to be confident, resolute, and optimistic.

You have to think quickly.

Hence, you can’t afford to wring your hands and procrastinate.

When you make a decision, you also have to get the members of your team on board.

In other words, have to get them to support the decision and help make it work.

You can’t afford to let backroom second-guessing or lack of support undermine the results.

When people see you as a firm, decisive, and confident leader, they look up to you and help you implement solutions and reach organizational goals

  • Self-discipline

Skills needed to run business successfully

Self-discipline is another vital problem-solving skill every entrepreneur should have.

You need self-discipline and focus to be able to solve problems.

Even if you have all the essential skills for problem-solving, you will not be able to solve problems when you don’t have focus, direction, and self-control.

Moreso, it takes a lot of discipline and commitment to be able to think critically, evaluate situations, and look for solutions.

You need to remain focused, avoid distractions, and stay on track even when things don’t seem to go your way.

  • Flexibility

You have to understand that not all decisions are perfect.

Some may require modifications.

When you see that the solution you initially take does not bring in the expected results, you shouldn’t hesitate to find out why things are not working out.

Identify your flaws and make the necessary adjustments.

Good entrepreneurs realize that to make a decision, to take action, and to eventually make modifications to the initial decision is always better than not to make any decision at all.

  • Guts

A good entrepreneur needs guts if he is to solve problems in business effectively.

You have to face problems head-on.

You have to be ready to apply extreme solutions or measures when necessary.

Similarly, you have to be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions or decision.

Just like all the other skills already discussed, you can develop guts by doing things and learning personal mastery.

How to Improve Problem Solving Skills

How do entrepreneurs solve problems

We’ve considered the importance of problem-solving skills that every entrepreneur should have.

Also, we’ve considered the basic steps to problem-solving.

It’s time to take a look at some of the important ways to develop problem-solving skills as an entrepreneur.

The following are useful problem-solving tips that you can apply to improve your entrepreneurial skills.

  • Be objective

Look at problems objectively.

Studying and analyzing problems objectively give you a higher chance of coming up with solutions.

  • Break the problem into manageable parts

Some people get overwhelmed by problematic situations because of the sheer size and extent of the problem.

Avoid feeling weighed down by how large a problem is.

To avoid this analyze and break it down into smaller parts.

Don’t look at it as one immense unit.

Doing this can discourage you from trying to solve the problem.

Take the problem one small step at a time.

Solve the little pieces.

This would help you easily put together a solution for the entire problem.

If there is a problem brewing in your organization, look at the different departments or areas separately.

Decide to tackle one area first.

Start fixing that, then move on to other problem areas.

Creative approaches to problem solving

  • Develop an inquisitive approach

A curious and analytical disposition is an incredible problem-solving tool.

Be inquisitive and carry out research.


Getting all the necessary information puts you in a stronger position of understanding what is wrong.

It helps you consider all the angles when you look for appropriate solutions.

  • Be receptive to other people’s inputs

You don’t have to get all the information on your own.

Solicit ideas and suggestions from the people you work with.

Be open to their contributions.

Furthermore, welcome their suggestions.

  • Develop the right attitude

In business, you are likely to come across problems that are new, unfamiliar, or challenging.

It is your job to be confident, quick-witted, and conscientious in looking for solutions to these problems.

Your attitude and mindset have a lot to do with your ability to respond.

They set the tone for how you come up with solutions.

Additionally, they determine your ability to lead.

The right attitude begins with your ability to stop a single negative thought from becoming a stream of unconstructive thoughts.

Solving problems is about how you think.

So, think and believe that you can solve a problem and you’ll increase the chances of being able to do so.

  • Think outside the box

Problem-Solving techniques in business

Successful problem solving requires you to look at things from another perspective.

Be inquisitive.

Always question and challenge things.

Furthermore, put yourself in another person’s shoes.

Think outside the box when looking for solutions.

  • Be open to collaboration

It is your job to facilitate the effort to reach a solution.

This task requires leadership skills.

You have to communicate with, motivate, and inspire your team so that everybody works together effectively to identify collaborative solutions.

Also, you have to enjoin everybody to cooperate so that the solutions are implemented successfully.

  • Accept the fact that you don’t have all the answers

Good leaders don’t always come up with the solutions themselves.

Their skills lie in inspiring others to work as a team to come up with feasible solutions.

A problem solver is able to put his ego aside.

He/she recognizes other people’s assets and is able to mine these resources for the benefit of the organization.

Similarly, he/she is quick to praise and to give credit where it is due.

Thus, ensuring that people remain motivated and inspired to work towards common goals.

  • Stay calm

How to solve business problems effectively

You need to be able to manage your feelings effectively when you are under stress.

Business problems are always a cause of stress.

They can make you feel afraid, uncertain, frustrated, and even angry.

Don’t allow powerful emotions to drive you to make wrong reactive decisions.

Stay composed.

Keep an objective and positive approach.

Staying cool and rational helps you solve problems more quickly.

Even more, it helps you think more clearly.

Also, it helps you come up with sound and creative solutions.

Learn how to be a problem solver by being able to stay in control of your emotions.

  • Take note of results

After you apply a solution to a problem, use analytics tools to measure the results.

Furthermore, evaluate the outcome.

Learn whatever you can from every situation.

It gives you experience-based information that will help you make better decisions for your business in the future.

 Conclusion on Problem Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have

Importance of entrepreneurship skills

If you want to be a successful businessman, it is important to learn how to be a problem solver.

Work on and develop the problem-solving skills every entrepreneur should have.

You need to be able to lead your team in solving problems.

Do this and you build a stronger team.

You can’t do this effectively if you are not aware of the many ways to develop problem-solving skills.

Establish a work environment that encourages people to discuss problems, and come up with innovative solutions.

Use the problem-solving tips discussed above and bring your business closer to success. 

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Problem-Solving Skills Every Entrepreneur Should Have