What Does Viability Mean in Business?

what does viability mean in business

What Does Viability Mean in Business?  How do you know if a business is viable? When it comes to opening their own business, many entrepreneurs aren’t quite sure where to begin. This eventually leads to their endeavor never making it past the first stages of planning.

One of the main reasons for this is that their business idea doesn’t have much viability.

Making sure a business plan is viable is extremely important, long before you get ready to invest.

You need to be sure you really understand exactly what it is you’re getting into before you

step away from a steady paycheck.

Here are some things you need to know about viability in business.

What Is Viability In Business?

viable business

The viability of a business is key to understanding whether or not a business will be successful in the long term.

You need to consider whether or not your business would be able to survive continually with the services it provides.

Many professionals consider a business idea to be viable if it has the potential to grow and continue being successful.

Potential to keep bringing in a steady profit for quite a long time.

If you’re trying to bring an idea into the market that doesn’t have the demand necessary to sustain it for long, it can’t be considered viable.

It is, perhaps, something you shouldn’t risk investing in.

However, there is much more than just demand that goes into determining viability in business.

While it might be difficult to track, understanding these key points will help you determine whether or not this is really something to take to the next steps in development.

How Can You Tell If a Business Is Viable?

viable businesses

To completely understand whether or not your business is viable, there are two key things you need to grasp tight.

You need to know who you are and what you stand for as a business.

You also need to know what the world looks like.

The impact your product or service would make, and whether or not there would be any interest.

Therefore, to determine viability in business, here are a few key steps that you’ll need to keep in mind.

They will help you better understand where your business will fit into the current scheme of things.

1. Research the Market

business viability

One of the first things you’ll need to look at and really understand when it comes to creating a viable business is the current market.

Make sure to take a look at things such as blogs, magazines, and trade journals that are aimed at your target client base.

See whether or not there seems to be a need or a desire for the product or service you’re hoping to provide.

The more information you can gather on the current market, the better you’ll be able to formulate a viable plan.

It’s also important to look at specific industry reports to get a better idea of the costs and competition in your given industry.

This information is invaluable to budding business owners.

It will help you determine whether or not this is something you’re actually physically able to manage.

2. Is There a Unique Selling Proposition?

viability meaning in business

For any business to become a success, it needs to find the perfect balance.

This involves fitting within the given market while still maintaining individuality and sticking out amongst all the competition.

This uniqueness will be key to determining the viability of your business plan.

Being different doesn’t mean you need to create something completely new and never seen before.

Nonetheless, it does need to be something that will help you to separate your business from all the rest.

You need to figure out what will make your business rise above the rest.

What will be the thing that calls your clients over to your business when there’s so much other competition out there?

Viability in business involves making your business just a little bit different.

You can use this as the main selling point.

So make sure that you spend enough time developing this key point.

3. Are There Willing and Able Customers?

viability definition in business

If you’re looking to build a viable business, then you need to understand whether or not there’s anyone actually interested in your service or product in the first place.

Without paying customers, there’s just no way your business will be able to succeed.

Before you commit to a final plan, make sure you understand exactly who your main client base will be.

Understand what their needs are and what their current financial situation is.

Also find out what their buying habits are, and how they make their purchasing decisions.

Understanding your customer to the core is incredibly important.

It will help you approach your business in the best way.

Getting this information might actually be easier than you initially assumed as well.

Conduct online polls and surveys and interview potential customers to get a better idea of what they’re looking for.

4. Is There a Competitive Advantage?

business viability definition

Viability in business ensures that you create a business that will bring something unique and new to the market.

Nevertheless, it’s important you have a thorough understanding of your competition and what they are bringing to the table.

You need to identify exactly who your competition is, what they currently offer, and what they have in the pipeline.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors places your business in the key spot of filling the gaps.

This will give you access to a new set of clients.

It will also give your business a reputation for being able to deliver where others can’t.

Ensure you create a marketing scheme that will allow you to focus on these areas and emphasize the differences.

5. What Is the Current Economic Situation?

What Does Viability Mean in Business?


Part of creating viability in business is understanding the current economic situation.

If the economy is at the starting end of an economic downturn, starting a business that sells luxury cars might not be advisable.

You need to understand the current economic mood to gauge how well your business will fit your customers’ needs.

Make sure you take the time to learn where your client’s priorities currently are.

If the economy is suffering and people are spending more on necessities rather than conveniences, make sure your business fits into that category.

If not, perhaps put your ideas on hold until things start coming back up.

To be a viable business, it needs to make sense in the current environment.

6. Ask for Honest Feedback

viable business idea

A great way to determine whether or not your business makes sense currently is to take advantage of everyone around you.

This includes friends, family, colleagues, current clients, and anyone else whose opinion you feel would be a benefit.

Speak with prospective customers about your plans and see how their immediate response is.

Speak with local business owners to find out what they’re dealing with within the current market.

If you are going to be offering a product, consider investing in a prototype to see how people respond.

The more honest feedback you’re able to gather, the better you’ll be able to plan for your actual launch or even whether or not the business is viable in its current state.

7. Consider the Timing

define business viability

When you invest your time and energy into starting a business, it’s incredibly important that you consider the timing of your opening.

For example, you don’t want to open up a ski shop in the middle of the summer when skiing is the last thing on anyone’s mind.

If you are planning a pool installation business, opening in the middle of January when you wouldn’t even be able to offer your service would be a terrible decision.

Viability in business entails that you need to make sure that you schedule your opening day right at the peak of consumer demand.

You certainly want your business to be useful and profitable all year round.

However, your start-point needs to be something that will get you off on a roll.

Make sure that you take the time of the year into serious consideration when creating your business plans.

8. Think About Your Market Strategy

what is business viability

When it comes to initial marketing, you need to make sure you can get the most out of your investment.

One of the best things that a business can do is invest in a quality online profile.

A great looking website can go so much farther than standard advertising techniques, nowadays.

A large percentage of consumers today use the internet as their first form of research into any product or service.

Therefore, you need to make sure your business stands out.

Rather than putting money into advertisements and commercials, find a professional team to help you design the perfect website.

These skilled experts will give you a well organized and beautiful site that’s sure to catch the attention of visitors.

Additionally, they’ll make it easy for clients to sign up for an email newsletter.

Such will be essential in creating lasting relationships with customers.

While this certainly shouldn’t be your only marketing plan, it does count as a priority for viability in business.

9. Initial Funding Stability

what is viability in business

At the end of the day, you can’t start a viable business without the funding necessary to open.

You need to be able to afford day to day operations for a while on your own, without expecting to be able to use any sort of income.

If you can’t find a reasonable way to bring in the funding that you need, then it certainly isn’t the time to dedicate yourself to this business.

If you don’t have the money saved up on your own, there are many alternatives you could turn to.

First, you could consider taking out a small business loan, which would provide you with the funding that you need immediately.

You could also consider taking on partners or investors.

Note that there are drawbacks to every form of money borrowing.

So make sure you understand and take these issues into consideration before you get too deeply involved.

10. Understand the Costs of Starting Out

viability in business

To best plan and prepare yourself for the business’s opening, you need to have a thorough idea of what the starting costs will be.

Only by understanding what goes into opening the business will you be able to determine whether or not it’s a viable opportunity.

Things to consider will be the costs of materials, the cost of labor, and your overhead.

Your overhead is anything you’ll need to pay on a daily basis.

So, this will include rent, electricity, telephone, water, marketing, heating, insurance, and anything else that is considered necessary for your business to run.

When considering viability in business, there’s a need to factor in the price at which you’re setting your products or services.

It’s important to remember that your price needs to cover your costs, as well as leave you with a profit to take home.

If you can’t make these numbers work for you, then it might be time to reconsider your options.

11. Is There Engagement on Social Media?

difference between solvent and liquid in business

Another great way to determine whether your business will be viable is by taking advantage of the information you can gather on social media.

By opening up various social media accounts for your business and using that to gauge the interest, you can get a better idea of who your main client base will be.

You can also gauge how much interest they actually have in what you have to offer.

Social media has become an invaluable asset to business owners.

Take advantage of this direct connection to clients as quickly as you can.

12. Always Be Aware of Financial Status

company viability

Just because you’re opening up your own business doesn’t mean you’ve become a financial expert.

However, having a good grasp of your finances throughout every step of the opening process will be essential to creating a viable business.

To become successful, you need to always be aware of how your business is doing in terms of input and output.

This is another factor in creating viability in business.

If you can’t keep tabs of this on your own, hire someone you can trust that will report this information to you periodically.

13. Difference Between Viability and Solvency

viable company

Another thing that is important to understand is the difference between business viability and business solvency.

Solvency is when a business has enough assets to cover its liabilities.

This usually means that the assets to liabilities ratio will be 2:1.

This means that your business should have twice the amount of assets that it does liabilities.

In other words, if the need arises, you’d be able to sell certain parts of your business for cash to survive.

Not that you ever want to find yourself in that kind of situation.

Nevertheless, it’s important to understand your status just in case the worst-case scenario ever comes to pass.

14. Difference Between Viability and Liquidity

what is meant by a viable business idea

Liquidity is similar to solvency, however, it takes a deeper look at whether or not a business would be able to quickly sell certain assets to get the cash it needs without suffering a serious loss.

For example, you wouldn’t want to sell something that was essential for you to continue making a profit.

For your business to be considered liquid, you need to have enough assets that selling some would have little to no negative effect on your company.

Being both solvent and liquid is incredibly important to viability in business.

What Does Viability Mean in Business Infographic

What Does Viability Mean In Business Infographic

Finally on What does Viability Mean in Business

how to determine a viable business idea

Opening your very own business can be one of the most exciting and thrilling moments in a person’s life.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean every business can be a success.

In fact, many businesses aren’t even able to get out of the planning stages because they have not gotten the rudiments of viability in business.

However, by understanding these factors you’ll be able to give yourself a much better idea of whether or not your business dreams should currently be turned into reality.

Your business will be one of the most important things in your life.

So the last thing that you want is to get involved in something that isn’t ready or won’t work out in the end.

Keep these tips in mind and start considering the viability of your business today. 

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