What Is Etiquette In Business

What Is Etiquette In Business

What is etiquette in business or business etiquette? If asked this question, how would you answer it? As a small business owner, you may be familiar with the term “business etiquette” when learning about workplace culture. However, while you have an idea of what the term refers to, you may still be slightly confused about it.

To improve this for you, we have compiled everything you need to know about etiquette in business in this blog post.

This means that at the end of this article, you should have more than basic knowledge of business etiquette.

So, ensure you stick with us to the end to learn more.

Meaning of Etiquette in Business – What is Etiquette in Business 

Etiquette in business or business etiquette refers to the professional and social rules governing how people interact in a business or corporate setting.

These rules could either be spoken or unspoken, written or unwritten.

But even when they are unspoken and unwritten, people in the workplace should know and adhere to them.

Also, business etiquette is not like other company policies in that it is socially enforced; other people in the workplace enforce them.

This means that going against these rules usually attracts social consequences such as disapproval, poor communication, strained relationships, etc.

In some cases, these consequences can become quite serious and lead to employment termination if the person disobeying these laws keeps doing so for a long time.

More serious consequences may arise in this case because the person doesn’t fit in with the company culture or isn’t a good team player.

So, while it may not seem like anything, business etiquette is a big deal.

Even as a business owner, you could still receive social consequences if you disregard business etiquette.

Business Etiquette Vs Business Protocol- What is Etiquette in Business 

Another term you likely have heard associated with business etiquette is business protocol.

Some people may even confuse one for the other, but while they are somewhat similar, they are not the same.

Business protocol is more encompassing and covers a wide range of several codes of conduct.

These codes of conduct vary in different countries, industries, and companies.

Business etiquette is one of the many features of business protocol.

When everyone in the workplace adheres to the company’s business protocol, there will be an enviable workplace culture that will foster workplace collaboration, relationship-building, and other positive features in the workplace.

Types of Business Etiquette 

Now that you know what business etiquette is, let’s look at some common types.

Workplace Etiquette 

Every workplace, regardless of size, has certain rules that govern the people there, known as workplace etiquette.

Workplace etiquette deal with the behaviour of people in a particular workplace.

One thing you should know about this etiquette is that it sometimes varies from workplace to workplace.

This is because every workplace has its particular culture.

Therefore, what may be considered rude and offensive in one workplace might be entirely acceptable in another.

For example, some more laid-back companies may allow a casual dress code to work.

While this behaviour may be acceptable in that company, it may be inappropriate in a traditional workplace.

However, while workplace etiquette is sometimes peculiar to a workplace, some are still quite general.

Examples of general workplace etiquette are:

  • Ensure you acknowledge the people you come in contact with. This could be as simple as giving a smile or asking them how they are.
  • Do not misuse shared items. For example, if you use a shared item in the workplace, ensure you put it back in its spot.
  • Do not mess up shared spaces like the kitchen, meeting rooms, etc.
  • Always listen actively during conversations.


Professionalism involves adhering to the rules that make you contribute to a productive, inclusive, and pleasant workspace.

When it comes to professionalism, there are so many behaviours that you have to practice.

Below are some of them:

Be Punctual 

Being punctual is one of the best ways to show professionalism.

When you always show up late, people won’t take you seriously.

A lot of people hate it when they are kept waiting.

And you can make a bad first impression when you show up late.

So, learn to be punctual at all times.

If you are meeting up with someone, being punctual will make an excellent first impression, show professionalism, and show the person that you value their time.

Keep To Your Words

Being able to keep to your words shows seriousness and professionalism.

Whenever you say you will do something, ensure you do everything you can to keep that commitment.

It does not matter if it is a small or big commitment; ensure you fulfil your word.

And if you realize that keeping to your word may not be possible, ensure you inform the person on time.

Do not make the person rely on you only to smash their hopes at the dying minute.

Be Flexible 

Flexibility is yet another behaviour that shows professionalism.

There are times when you would have to show up earlier, stay late in the office, change plans, and so on.

Your ability to be flexible enough to make these impromptu situations work shows your professionalism.

Learn to Stay Calm at All Times 

Not everyone knows how to stay calm during heated situations.

Some people even lose their cool during minor arguments.

This is not the behaviour of a professional person.

To exhibit professionalism, you should learn to control your emotions and stay calm.

Even when the situation is very heated, try your best to remain calm and level-headed.

Be Diplomatic 

Being in a business environment means you would have to deal with different people from different backgrounds and walks of life.

You would meet people you do not like but still have to do business with them.

This is why you have to be diplomatic as a business owner.

It will show your professionalism if you can work amicably with someone even when they aren’t your favourite person.

Dress According to Code 

Even outside the business world, everyone knows to dress according to the occasion.

Appearance matters in the business world.

Whenever you are in a business setting, ensure you dress to code.

Do not dress in a way that would make you appear different in an inappropriate manner.

Also, ensure you maintain good hygiene and always look your best.

Learn to Accept Constructive Criticism 

Regardless of how good you are at something, there will always be areas where you can improve.

Also, there will always be people who can notice these areas and point them out to you.

Getting angry and throwing a fit when people try to make you do better would only make you look unprofessional.

It will also make you lose the chance to improve.

Therefore, as a professional, develop a learning mindset that will help you learn to accept constructive criticism.

Table Manners

Some of the most successful business deals have been made over meals.

But this would not happen to you if you have poor table manners.

Table manners go beyond knowing the right cutlery to use.

There are several other behaviours that you may unknowingly exhibit that would be considered bad table manners.

The following are some essential table manners that you should possess as a business person:

  • When you sit, ensure you place your napkin on your lap.
  • Make sure you wait until everyone has gotten their food before you start eating.
  • Do not reach across the table to take dishes or other items; instead, pass them from left to right.
  • Make sure you give others a chance to speak during conversations
  • Ensure your order is within the same price range as others on the table.
  • Rather than blowing your nose at the table, take an excuse to use the restroom and do so there.
  • Do not open your mouth while chewing.
  • When you are done eating, take the napkin from your lap, fold it, and then place it on the left side of your plate.

Meetings Etiquette – What is Etiquette in Business 

Meetings are one thing you can take away from a business setting.

Regardless of how laid-back your company is, you would always need to have meetings so people can share ideas, discuss ongoing projects, discuss strategies, and so on.

There are also rules for how to behave during meetings.

Since there are now remote, in-person, and hybrid workers, meetings are in-person or virtual.

Although there are general rules for both types of meetings, some rules are peculiar to each type of meeting.

So, let’s look at some etiquette for both of them individually.

In-Person Meetings- What is Etiquette in Business

Make Sure the Necessary Equipment and Tools are working Fine Beforehand

Before you start a meeting, make sure you check all the tools and equipment that will be used during the meeting.

Give People a Chance to Settle in 

Do not just jump into the meeting without letting people settle in first.

Always wait about five minutes after people arrive before you get into the meeting agenda.

This will be enough time for people to settle down and will ensure etiquette during the meeting.

 Do Not Interrupt Others

Learn to speak and ask questions at the right time.

Do not interfere when someone else is speaking.

Other people have ideas and opinions to share, so make sure they have the chance to do so.

Ensure You Acknowledge Everyone 

Don’t ignore someone that wants to contribute to the meeting.

Make sure you call on everybody that wants to say something.

Or better yet, when asking for contributions, go in a circle.

In such a manner, everyone will have a chance to speak.

Watch Your Body Language- What is Etiquette in Business  

Your body language can make others in the meeting think you are uninterested in a suggestion or contribution.

You do not want to give that impression, so watch your body language.

Avoid fidgeting, tapping your foot, spinning your chair, and so on.

Virtual Meetings- What is Etiquette in Business 

Focus on the camera- What is Etiquette in Business 

Do not look at the faces of others in the meeting or even your face; instead, look directly at your camera.

This way, it will look like you are making eye contact.

Avoid Interruptions 

Since you are most likely having the meeting from home, you can get distracted by several things/people.

Your children, spouse, pets, tv, and other things can cause distraction.

To avoid all this, ensure you go to a quiet room in the house and close the door.

Remove Very Personal or Inappropriate Items from the Camera Range 

The same way you wouldn’t want to see someone’s personal stuff during a virtual meeting is the same way they do not want to see yours.

So, ensure you get these things out before your meeting starts.

Dress Accordingly -What is Etiquette in Business 

The fact that it is a virtual meeting does not mean you get to ignore the dress code and dress however you want.

If there is a dress code, ensure you follow it.

Make Sure Everyone Gets to Speak 

If you are the facilitator of the meeting, you have to ensure everyone has an equal chance to air their opinion during the meeting.

Communication Etiquette – What is Etiquette in Business

Good communication is a very vital factor in any business setting.

This is why proper etiquette must be maintained during communication.

Communication etiquette can be broken down into three different categories: phone etiquette, in-person etiquette, and Email etiquette.

Let’s look at some rules under these categories.

Phone Etiquette- What is Etiquette in Business

Mind the Volume of your Voice 

Avoid speaking too softly or too loudly.

If you are unsure about the volume of your voice tone, you can ask the person at the other end of the call.

For example, you can say, “Would you like me to speak more quietly?”

Do Not Use Your Phone When You Are with Someone 

Using your phone when you are with someone can be seen as rude.

So, keep your phone away during this time.

You can keep it in your bag or pocket.

Mind the Tone of Your Voice 

Ensure that you speak with a professional tone whenever you are making a business-related call.

In-Person Etiquette What is Etiquette in Business 

Keep Eye Contact 

You should keep eye contact with the person you are talking to.

This way, they’d be certain that you are listening to them.

Match the Person’s Speaking Volume 

Adjust your voice to be on the same volume as the person you speak with.

Do not talk louder or softer than the person.

If You aren’t Close to The Person, Avoid Complimenting their Appearance 

Some people aren’t comfortable getting compliments about their appearance from people they are not close to.

So, if you do not share a personal relationship with the person you speak with, avoid complimenting their appearance.

Email Etiquette- What is Etiquette in Business 

Answer Your Emails Promptly 

You should try your best to reply to your emails on time.

Try to answer your internal emails on the same day you receive them and the external ones within three days of receiving them.

Proofread Your Emails Before Sending them- What is Etiquette in Business 

Ensure you correctly punctuate your emails before you send them.

Also, check your spelling and grammar before you hit send.

Do Not Overuse Smiley Faces and Exclamation Marks 

Business emails should be kept professional at all times.

However, you can use smiley faces if it is a less-formal email.

But ensure you do not overuse them.

Do Not Say What You Won’t say in Person in an Email- What is Etiquette in Business 

Just because you aren’t seeing the person doesn’t mean you can say anything to them.

If you can’t say something to someone face-to-face, you better not say that thing to the person in your email.

Benefits of Business Etiquette in the Workplace – What is Etiquette in Business 

Workplace and company cultures have changed in so many ways in recent times.

Most companies now prefer a laid-back work environment and culture.

Instead of cubicles, there are now open spaces in workplaces, and remote workers are very common, and less formal clothes are now more popular in workplaces.

However, all these do not mean business etiquette is no longer relevant.

While the workplace is more relaxed than it was years before, people are still the same.

People still have feelings and opinions you could hurt with just a few words, behaviour, or inaction.

This is why business etiquette is still essential and relevant.

Plus, there are still so many advantages that your business would enjoy if everyone in your workforce knows and practice good business etiquette.

One of the major benefits of teaching business etiquette in your workplace is that it results in a more professional work environment.

And a professional work environment is a key ingredient for effectiveness and productivity.

Secondly, when everyone practices good business etiquette in the workplace, everyone in the workplace will have mutual respect.

This will, in turn, lead to a better flow of communication between workforce members.

This makes improved communication yet another benefit of business etiquette in the workplace.

People from different cultures and backgrounds will respect each other enough to communicate their ideas and work together peacefully and appropriately.

Finally, it would help to improve the business image.

This is because the employees’ good manners will also extend to the customers.

Conclusion on What is Etiquette in Business 

Business etiquette refers to the professional and social rules governing how people interact with themselves in a business or corporate setting.

It is essential in business settings and would help you make a great first impression on people.

As a business owner, you have to cultivate good business etiquette.

You also need to train your employees to do the same.