What Is Target Market In Business

What is target market in business

What is target market in business? 

Do you enjoy playing sports, watching movies, or playing video games? Have you ever wondered why certain brands appeal to you more than others?

 Well, the answer lies in something called a “target market.”

 In business, understanding your target market is essential for success.

In this article, we’ll explore what a target market is and why businesses of all sizes need to identify and cater to their target audience.

 So, get ready to discover the secrets of successful marketing and learn how to reach out to your ideal customers!

Target Markets: What are they? – What Is Target Market in Business

A target market is a group of people or customers a business aims to sell its products or services. 

The people in this group share similar characteristics, such as age, gender, interests, and buying habits.

Understanding the target market is important for businesses.

This is because it helps them to create products and services that meet the needs and preferences of their customers.

Types of Target Market in Business – What Is Target Market in Business

Businesses can focus on several types of target markets, depending on the nature of their products or services.

It also depends on their overall business strategy.

Here are some common types of target markets in business:

Demographic target market

Demographic is the statistical characteristics of the human population, such as age or income.

Therefore, this target market refers to people with similar demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, income, and education level.

This type of target market is based on measurable  characteristics that can help businesses identify and reach specific groups of people.

For example, a company wants to sell a new line of skateboards.

The company might identify its demographic target market as boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 18 who live in urban areas.

So, by focusing on this specific group of people, the company can tailor its marketing efforts and product design to meet the needs and preferences of its target market.

Demographic target market can be broken down into several different categories:


Age is one of the most common demographic characteristics businesses use to target their products or services.

Products designed for children will have different features and packaging than those designed for older adults.

Gender – What Is Target Market in Business

Gender is another common demographic characteristic that businesses consider when targeting their products or services.

For example, a company that sells makeup will target women, while a company that sells clippers will target its products toward men.


A person’s income level can be important in determining whether they can afford certain products or services. 

For example, a luxury car company will target its products to high-income earners.

Meanwhile, a budget airline might target its products toward people looking for affordable travel options.

Education Level – What Is Target Market in Business

 Education level can also be a factor in determining a target market.

For example, a company selling educational software will target its products toward students or people with a college degree.

Psychographic Target Market – What Is Target Market in Business

Psychographic target market is a term used in marketing to refer to consumers who share similar personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

In other words, it is a way of segmenting a market based on the psychological characteristics of its members.

Psychographic segmentation differs from demographic segmentation, focusing on age, gender, income, and education level.

Demographic factors can help to identify potential customers.

On the other hand, psychographic segmentation provides a deeper understanding of their behaviour and motivations.

Businesses use psychographic target markets to create more effective marketing campaigns by tailoring their messages and offerings to specific consumer groups.

Here are some examples of psychographic target markets:


This group of consumers shares similar interests, hobbies, and values.

For instance, a business can target people who enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and kayaking.


This group of consumers has similar personality traits, like being outgoing, adventurous, or introverted.

For example, a business can target introverted people who prefer quiet activities like reading or watching movies.

Values – What Is Target Market in Business

This group of consumers shares similar values, such as environmentalism, social justice, or family values.

For example, a business can target people passionate about environmentalism and prefer eco-friendly products.


This group of consumers has similar attitudes toward a particular product or service.

For example, a business can target people who have a positive attitude toward organic foods and prefer to buy them.

Interests – What Is Target Market in Business

This group of consumers shares similar interests, such as fashion, music, or sports.

For example, a business might target people interested in fashion and prefer to buy trendy clothing and accessories.

Behavioural target market

A behavioural target market is another way businesses can segment their customer base to better understand their needs and preferences.

It involves analyzing and categorizing customers based on their buying behaviour and patterns, such as;

  • How frequently do they purchase a product
  • How much they spend
  • What factors influence their purchasing decisions?

Behavioural segmentation allows businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns that focus on the specific behaviours of their customers.

Here are some examples of behavioural target markets:

Occasion-based – What Is a Target Market in Business

This group of customers makes purchases based on specific occasions, such as birthdays, holidays, or special events.

For example, a business can target customers likely to buy gifts for their loved ones during the holiday season.


This group of customers purchases based on a product’s benefits, such as convenience, health, or savings.

For example, a business may target customers who prioritize health benefits and offer low-fat or sugar products.


This group of customers makes purchases based on their product usage patterns, such as how often they buy and how much they consume.

For example, a business can target customers who frequently purchase energy or sports drinks.

Loyalty-based – What Is Target Market in Business

This group of customers is loyal to a particular brand or product and makes repeat purchases.

For example, a business’s target customers could be people loyal to a particular brand of shampoo and offer discounts or promotions to encourage repeat purchases.


This group of customers makes purchases based on the price of a product, such as looking for discounts, sales, or special deals.

For example, a business can target price-sensitive customers and offer discounted or clearance products.

Geographic Target Market – What Is Target Market in Business

A geographic target market in business refers to a group of people who live in a specific geographic location, such as a city, state, or country. 

This type of target market is based on where people live.

Also, it is often used by businesses offering products or services specific to certain areas.

For example, let’s say a company wants to sell surfboards.

The company may identify its geographic target market as people living in coastal areas where surfing is popular, such as California or Hawaii.

So, by focusing on this specific group of people, the company can tailor its marketing efforts and product design to meet the needs and preferences of its target market.

The geographic target market can be broken down into several different categories:

Local Target Market

 This refers to people who live in a specific city or town.

Small businesses that offer products or services that people in the local area primarily use make use of local target market. 

For example, a neighbourhood bakery or a local hair salon will have their target market categorized under the local target market.

Regional Target Market – What Is Target Market in Business

This refers to people who live in a specific country region, such as the Midwest or the Northeast.

A regional target market is often used by businesses that offer products or services that are popular in specific areas of the country.

For example, companies that sell snow blowers in areas that experience heavy snowfall make use of the regional target market.

National Target Market

This refers to people who live across the entire country.

Businesses that offer popular products or services across the country use a national target market.

Some examples of such are companies that sell smartphones or fast food.

International target market – What Is Target Market in Business

This refers to people who live in other countries.

An international target market is often used by businesses that offer products or services that are popular in multiple countries.

A company that sells athletic shoes or fast food is an example of an international target market.

Firmographic Target Market

A firmographic target market is a way for businesses to segment their target market based on specific firmographic characteristics.

They are a set of criteria that can be used to describe the organizational and demographic characteristics of a business, such as;

  • The size of the company
  • The industry it operates in
  • And its location.

Firmographic segmentation allows businesses to better understand their customers’ specific needs and preferences.

This, in turn, helps them create more effective marketing campaigns.

Here are some examples of firmographic target markets:


This group of customers is defined by the industry that they work in, such as healthcare, retail, or technology.

For example, a business that sells medical equipment might target healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and hospitals.

Company Size – What Is Target Market in Business

This group of customers is defined by the size of the company they work for, such as small, medium, or large businesses.

For example, a business providing accounting services might target small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

Geographic Location

 This group of customers is defined by their geographic location, such as a specific city, state, or region.

For example, a business that provides lawn care services might target customers in a particular neighbourhood or zip code.

Company Structure

This group of customers is defined by their company structure, such as a corporation, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship.

For example, a business providing legal services might target small businesses structured as partnerships or sole proprietorships.

Revenue – What Is Target Market in Business

This group of customers is defined by the company’s revenue, such as high, medium, or low-revenue businesses.

 For example, a business that sells luxury goods might target customers with high disposable income and high revenue businesses.

Importance of Understanding Target Market in Business – What Is Target Market in Business

Understanding the people most likely to be interested in your product or service is important.

 It involves identifying and analyzing your potential customers’ demographic, psychographic, and behavioural characteristics.

Understanding your target market is crucial for any big or small business.

Here are some reasons why understanding your target market is important for business:

Identifying the Needs and Wants of your Customers

Understanding your target market lets you identify your customers’ needs and wants from your product or service.

This knowledge is critical to ensuring that you provide value to your customers and meet their expectations.

Developing Effective Marketing Strategies – What Is Target Market in Business

Knowing your target market is essential for developing effective marketing strategies that resonate with your customers.

So, by understanding your customers’ interests, behaviours, and preferences, you can tailor your messaging and advertising to reach them more effectively.

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

 Understanding your target market allows you to create products and services that meet their specific needs and preferences.

As a result, this can lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction, which can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Check here to discover more on customer satisfaction. 

Improving Profitability – What Is Target Market in Business

Targeting your marketing efforts on your ideal customer saves time, effort, and money that could be spent elsewhere.

Therefore, better targeting leads to higher conversion rates, increased sales, and, ultimately, better profits.

Staying ahead of competitors

Understanding your target market enables you to identify gaps in the market and capitalize on them before your competitors.

 So, this helps you stay ahead of the competition and maintain your competitive edge.

How to Better Understand Your Target Market – What Is Target Market in Business

Understanding your target market is crucial to developing a successful business strategy.

Here are some steps businesses can take to understand their target market better:

Define Your Target Market

Start by defining the demographic, psychographic, and behavioural characteristics of your potential customers.

Therefore, use market research tools like surveys, focus groups, and customer feedback to gather insights about your target market.

Segment Your Target Market – What Is Target Market in Business

Segmenting your target market involves separating your audience into smaller groups with similar needs and characteristics.

As a result, this helps you create more personalized marketing messages and products or services that cater to each segment’s specific needs.

Analyze Your Competitors

 Analyze your competitors to see how they attract and retain customers within your target market.

So, look for gaps in the market that your competitors are not addressing and find ways to fill those gaps.

Create Buyer Personas – What Is Target Market in Business

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers.

For example, let’s assume your business is an animal shelter.

You will need people to come patronize your business.

Some group of people who will be willing to get animals from your shelter can include bachelors, single moms, and a big happy family.

So, an example of a buyer persona you can create is “Joe, the dog-loving bachelor”

Knowing that there will be others like Joe who are not only bachelor but dog lover, you can create better marketing strategy.

Therefore, creating a buyer persona can help you create marketing messages that resonate with your target market by understanding their needs, pain points, and motivations.

Monitor Your Analytics

Use analytics tools to track how your target market interacts with your website, social media, and other marketing channels.

As a result, this will help you identify patterns and trends in consumer behavior and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Continuously Refine Your Strategy – What Is Target Market in Business

Your target market is always evolving.

So, it’s essential to refine your strategy to stay relevant continuously.

Monitor your results, experiment with new ideas, and adjust your approach based on feedback from your target market.

Challenges of Understanding Target Market in Business – What Is Target Market in Business

Understanding your target market is essential to any successful business, but it can be challenging.

Here are some of the challenges that businesses face when trying to understand their target market and how to deal with them:

Limited Information

Gathering enough information about your target market can be challenging.

Knowing where to find reliable data and how to interpret it can be tough.

However, to deal with this, you can start by conducting surveys, focus groups, and online research to gather insights about their target market.

Changing Preferences – What Is Target Market in Business

Consumer preferences can change quickly.

As a result, it can be challenging to keep up with what your target market wants.

So, to deal with this, you need to stay up-to-date on industry trends and consumer behaviour through market research and customer feedback.

Diverse Demographics

 With the globalized world we live in, target markets are often diverse.

So, this has made it quite challenging to create marketing messages that resonate with everyone.

However, you can deal with this by segmenting your target market.

And create personalized marketing strategies that speak to each segment’s unique needs and wants.

Competition – What Is Target Market in Business

Competitors can make attracting and retaining customers within your target market difficult.

However, you can deal with this by creating a unique value proposition that differentiates your business from its competitors.

And focus on building strong relationships with your customers through excellent customer service.

Limited Resources

Smaller businesses may not have the resources to conduct extensive market research and gather insights about their target market.

However, as a small business owner, you can deal with this by starting with the basics.

Also, use affordable tools like social media to gain insights about their target market.

Conclusion on What Is Target Market in Business

Identifying and understanding your target market is need for any business to succeed in today’s marketplace.

This is because it helps you connect with your ideal customers and build lasting relationships.

Remember, the better you understand your target market, the better you can meet their needs and stand out from your competitors.

So take the time to define and understand your target market, and watch your business thrive.