What Is Whistleblowing In Business

What Is Whistleblowing In Business

What is whistleblowing in business? 

Whistleblowing is the act of speaking up about unethical practises within an organisation.

It is a crucial tool for maintaining businesses’ integrity.

When employees become aware of unethical behavior within their workplace, they may choose to report it to their boss, or they may choose to report it to regulatory bodies or the public.

This act of reporting is known as whistleblowing.

In this article, we will explore what whistleblowing is, why it is important in business, and how it can impact both individuals and organisations.

As a business owner, understanding this concept is important.

This is because it helps to boost accountability and ethical practises at work.

Understanding Whistleblowing in Business – What Is Whistleblowing in Business 

Whistleblowing, a term coined in the 1970s, refers to the act of an employee, contractor, or individual reporting illegal or unethical behaviour to authorities. 

It can be either within the organisation or outside of it. 

Whistleblowing in business is a complex topic.

It has become very important in the wake of numerous corporate scandals and ethical lapses that have emerged in recent years. 

However, whistleblowing is not a new phenomenon. 

Throughout history, people have risked their jobs and their reputations and even put their lives at risk due to this. 

However, in the past, whistleblowers were often treated as troublemakers or even traitors and were frequently retaliated against by their employers. 

Recently, people have realised more and more how important whistleblowers are for reporting misconduct and promoting transparency in business.

There are laws to protect whistleblower hotlines and other mechanisms for reporting misconduct. 

Despite these advances, whistleblowing remains a risky activity. 

A whistleblower often faces significant social, psychological, and financial costs, including job loss, blacklisting, legal action, and harassment. 

They may be harassed by their colleagues and even their families.

This might be because they now view them as untrustworthy. 

In some cases, whistleblowers may be motivated by a sense of duty or ethics.

In other cases, they may be seeking personal gain, revenge, or attention.

Regardless of their motivations, whistleblowers play a critical role in exposing wrongdoing and holding companies accountable for their actions. 

As such, they’re an important part of a healthy business environment. 

Types of Whistleblowing in Business – What is Whistleblowing in Business? 

Whistleblowing refers to the act of reporting illegal or unethical behavior within an organisation to authorities or other parties. 

Whistleblowers may report a wide range of issues, including:

  • fraud
  • corruption
  •  safety violations
  • discrimination
  • or environmental harm. 

Whistleblowing can take many forms.

The following are the different types of whistleblowing that may occur in a business context:

Internal whistleblowing 

This type of whistleblowing occurs when an employee reports misconduct within the organisation to the manager, human resources department, or other internal authorities. 

It can be an effective way to address issues before they become public.

As a result, it can help the organisation maintain control over the situation. 

Advantages of Internal Whistleblowing in Business

Internal whistleblowing can have several advantages for both the whistleblower and the organisation. 

Maintaining control 

Internal whistleblowing allows the organisation to maintain control over the situation and address the issue before it becomes public. 

It can also help reduce damage to the organization’s reputation.

Additionally, it can help prevent legal consequences. 

Protection from retaliation – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

It may offer you protection from retaliation. 

Ultimately, this is because the organisation has a legal obligation to protect you under many whistleblowers’ protection laws. 

Encouraging a culture of transparency 

Internal whistleblowing can help promote a culture of transparency. 

Employees are encouraged to speak up about issues they face.

Disadvantages of Internal Whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business 

The following are the disadvantages of internal whistleblowing:


Internal whistleblowing may be ineffective if the organisation lacks a culture of transparency.

Furthermore, it can also be ineffective if the issue is particularly serious or widespread. 

Retaliation – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

Despite legal protections, you may still face retaliation from the organisation. 

This can have a negative effect on you.

In addition, it can stop others from speaking up 

Lack of anonymity 

You may not be able to remain anonymous. 

This can put you at risk of retaliation or make it difficult for you to work within the organisation. 

Limited scope – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

Internal whistleblowing may only address specific issues within the organisation. 

And it may not be able to address broader issues of systematic misconduct. 

However, it can be an effective way to address misconduct within an organisation, but it is not without its drawbacks. 

Therefore, you should be careful to consider its potential risks and benefits before deciding to proceed. 

Additionally, organisations should strive to create a culture of transparency that encourages employees to speak up about issues they might come across.

External whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business 

External whistleblowing occurs when you report misconduct to external authorities, such as regulators, law enforcement, or the media. 

It may be necessary when internal channels are not working well

 or when the issue is particularly serious. 

Advantages of External Whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

External whistleblowing can have several advantages and disadvantages for both the whistleblower and the organisation. 

Increased accountability 

It can increase the accountability of the organisation and its leaders by bringing attention to issues that may have otherwise been ignored. 

Protection from retaliation

It may offer greater protection from retaliation than internal whistleblowing. 

External authorities may be more likely to take actions to protect you 

Broader impact 

External whistleblowing can have a broader impact by raising public awareness of the issue. 

As a result, it can put pressure on the organisation to address the issue. 

Legal protection 

For instance, a whistleblower may be protected by law against retaliation for external whistleblowing. 

Some examples include the False Claims Act or the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 

Disadvantages of External Whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

Some disadvantages of external whistleblowing include:

Loss of control 

External whistleblowing can result in a loss of control for the organisation. 

This is happening as the issue is now in the hands of external authorities and the public. 

Damage to reputation 

It can damage the reputation of the organisation and its leaders. 

Therefore, this can lead to the loss of customers, investors, or business partners. 

Risk of personal harm – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

An external whistleblower may be at risk of personal harm. 

Such as physical harm or damage to your career or personal relationship. 

Difficult to prove 

External whistleblowing can be difficult to prove. 

This is because evidence may be harder to obtain or the organisation may deny it

However, it can be an effective way to address misconduct within the organisation. 

But also, organisations should try to create a culture of transparency that encourages employees to speak up about issues they encounter. 

They should do this to prevent issues from becoming serious enough to require external whistleblowing. 

Public whistleblowing 

Public whistleblowing occurs when a whistleblower goes public with allegations, either through the media or through public protest. 

It can be an effective way to raise public awareness of the issues, but it can also lead to legal and personal consequences for the whistleblower. 

Advantages of Public Whistleblowing 

There are several advantages for those involved

Protection from retaliation 

It may offer greater protection from retaliation than internal whistleblowing. 

External authorities and the public may be more likely to take action to protect you. 

Broader impact – What Is Whistleblowing in Business 

Public whistleblowing can have a broader impact by raising public awareness of the issues.

As a result, it can prompt others to come forward. 

Protection for the whistleblower 

Public whistleblowers may have greater protection from retaliation.

This is because public attention can help deter retaliation. 

Increased public awareness 

Public whistleblowing can raise public awareness of the issues. 

And put pressure on the organisation or public figure to address the issue. 

Legal protection – What Is Whistleblowing in Business 

However, you may be protected by law against retaliation for public whistleblowing. 

An example is the Whistleblower Protection Act. 

Disadvantages of public whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business

The following are the disadvantages of public whistleblowing:

Loss of control 

Public whistleblowing can result in a loss of control for the organisation or public figure. 

This is because, at this point, the issue is now in the hands of the media or public forums. 

Damage to Reputation

Public whistleblowing can damage the reputation of an organisation or public figure. 

Additionally, this can lead to a loss of customers.

Risk of personal harm 

A public whistleblower may be at risk of personal harm. 

Such as physical harm or damage to their career or personal relationships. 

Legal consequences 

As a public whistleblower, you may face legal consequences for disclosing confidential information, such as under the Espionage Act or the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 

Anonymous whistleblowing 

Anonymous whistleblowing occurs when you choose not to disclose your identity to the authorities or the public. 

Hence, it can protect you as a whistleblower from retaliation but may make it difficult for the authorities to investigate the issue. 

Advantages of anonymous whistleblowing – What is Whistleblowing in Business 

This type of whistleblowing has both advantages and disadvantages. 

Protection from retaliation 

Anonymous whistleblowers are protected from retaliation, as their identity is not known to the organisation or individuals involved. 

Increased reporting – What is Whistleblowing in Business

Anonymous whistleblowing can lead to increased reporting of misconduct or unethical behaviour.

Hence, employees may feel more comfortable reporting issues without fear of retaliation. 

Reduced fear and stress 

Anonymous whistleblowers do not have to fear the negative consequences of reporting misconduct, such as the loss of their job or social isolation. 

Preservation of relationships 

Anonymous whistleblowers may be able to preserve their relationships with colleagues and superiors.

Which can be important for maintaining a positive work environment. 

Disadvantages of Anonymous Whistleblowing – What is Whistleblowing in Business 

Limited investigation 

Anonymous whistleblowing can lead to a limited investigation of the reported issue as investigators may not have enough information to fully investigate the situation. 

Increased potential for false reporting – What is Whistleblowing in Business 

Anonymous whistleblowing can increase the potential for false reporting, as some individuals may make false claims without fear of being identified. 

Lack of accountability 

Anonymous whistleblowing can lead to a lack of accountability because the whistleblower cannot be questioned or held accountable for their report. 

Difficulty in follow-up 

Anonymous whistleblowers may not be able to follow up on the investigation, which can lead to a lack of closure. 

Overall, anonymous whistleblowing can be an effective way to report unethical behaviour without fear of retaliation. 

However, it has its disadvantages, including limited investigation and the potential for false reporting.

Additionally, anonymous whistleblowing should be used as a last resort, after other reporting methods have been exhausted

Retaliatory whistleblowing – What Is Whistleblowing in Business? 

Retaliatory whistleblowing occurs when you retaliate against your employer by reporting misconduct after you have been terminated or mistreated by the organization. 

Ultimately, it can be an issue as it may be fueled by the wrong motive.

Therefore, whistleblowers should carefully consider their options before doing anything.

Advantages of retaliatory whistleblowing- What is Whistleblowing in Business

Retaliatory whistleblowing is when you are facing negative consequences from your employer for reporting illegal or unethical activities within the organization. 

However, while whistleblowers are protected under various laws and regulations, some organizations may engage in retaliatory behavior towards you. 

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of retaliatory whistleblowing in business: 

Creates awareness 

Retaliatory whistleblowing can raise awareness of the issue being reported and bring attention to the illegal activities that happen within the organization. 

Moreover, this can lead to changes within the organization and improve its overall ethical practices. 

Protection for future whistleblowers 

By exposing the retaliatory behavior toward whistleblowers 

However, It can deter future employers from taking similar actions against whistleblowers. 

Also, it can highlight the importance of protecting whistleblowers and encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability within organizations. 

Disadvantages of retaliatory whistleblowing- What is Whistleblowing in Business

Fear of reprisals 

Retaliatory whistleblowing can create a culture of fear within the organization, discouraging employees from reporting any wrongdoing. 

Employees may not want to speak out against illegal activities, fearing that they may face retaliation themselves. 

Legal and financial consequences –What is Whistleblowing in Business

Retaliatory behavior can lead to legal and financial consequences for the organization. 

So, employers who engage in retaliatory behavior may face legal action and may be required to pay damages to the whistleblower. 

Damage to the organization’s reputation 

Retaliatory behavior can damage the reputation of the organization. 

Negative publicity and public outcry can cause harm to the organization’s image and brand, resulting in a loss of customers and revenue. 

Hence, retaliatory whistleblowing can create protection for future whistleblowers. 

It can also create a culture of fear and have legal and financial consequences for the organization. 

Therefore, organizations need to foster a culture of transparency, and protection for whistleblowers to avoid retaliatory behavior and promote ethical practices. 

Policies of whistleblowing in business- What is Whistleblowing in Business 

Consequently, businesses should have clear policies in place to protect whistleblowers and to ensure that they are not penalized for speaking out. 

There are several key elements of an effective whistleblowing policy, including: 

Clear reporting channels 

Ultimately, businesses should create clear reporting channels for whistleblowers to report their concerns, such as a hotline or online reporting system. 

These channels should be easily accessible and ensure anonymity for the whistleblower. 

Non-retaliation policy 

Companies should have a non-retaliation policy in place to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

So, this policy should apply to all employees, including managers. 

Investigation and follow-up-What is Whistleblowing in Business

Ultimately, businesses should have a process in place for investigating whistleblower complaints and taking appropriate action. 

This may involve conducting an internal investigation, engaging an independent third party, or reporting the concern to authorities. 

Communication and training 

Companies should communicate their whistleblowing policy to all employees and provide training on the policy and how to report concerns. 

As a result, it can help to ensure that employees are aware of their rights and duties and feel comfortable speaking up. 

Documentation and record-keeping- What is Whistleblowing in Business

Businesses should maintain records of whistleblower complaints and investigations.

This is to ensure that they are properly tracked. 

However, an effective whistleblowing policy can help to promote a culture of accountability within a business. 

And can help to prevent illegal practices. 

Businesses can show their commitment to ethical behaviour.

However, they have to do this by protecting whistleblowers and creating clear reporting channels and investigation processes.

And create an environment where employees feel free to speak up when they observe wrongdoing. 

Conclusion- What is Whistleblowing in Business

Whistleblowing in business can be a powerful tool for promoting transparency.

Hence, it can contribute to the greater good of society. 

While it can be a difficult decision for individuals to make, you can often play a critical role in uncovering wrongdoings. 

And helping to prevent harm to stakeholders. 

However, the act of whistleblowing is not without its risks and challenges.

Whistleblowers may face issues from their employers, damage to their reputation, and even legal action. 

So, Businesses need to have clear policies and procedures in place to protect you. 

Businesses should identify and address potential risks.

Additionally, they should create robust systems to detect and prevent misconduct.

This can help to reduce the need for whistleblowers and foster a culture of trust. 

Additionally, whistleblowing can be a crucial part of corporate accountability.

However, it should be seen as a last resort when all other avenues have been exhausted. 

By supporting a culture of ethics and responsibility, you can create a healthy environment.