How To Figure Out What You Want To Do

How To Figure Out What You Want To Do

Do you want to know how to figure out what you want to do ?

If you do, then you are not alone.

Life does not come with a manual; every human has to figure out what they want to do with and in their life.

Some people are lucky and easily know what they want to do.

Meanwhile, others lack clarity and need help to figure out what they want to do.

If you are one of those people who want to figure out or know what they want to do with their life, then you have nothing to be ashamed of.

As we said, you only need a little external help to gain clarity.

We are here to provide the help you need.

So, we ask you to come with us as we help you discover what you want to do.

To begin this adventure, we will be looking at the different aspects of life.

Different Aspect of Life – How to Figure Out What to Do – How to Know What You Want To Do

Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in Life

To figure out or know what you want to do, you need to understand the different aspects of life, and how they can affect your decisions.

In other words, these aspects of your life can affect what you do in your life.

Therefore, you have to be careful with them, to prevent them from impacting your life negatively and stopping you from doing what you want to do.

So, what are these aspects of your life?

Physical Health

How physically fit you are, can affect your decision on what to do with your life.

If you are not physically fit, you would find it difficult to do something that you ought to do for yourself.

For example, if you get to know what you want to do in your life but do not have the physical strength to pursue it, then that is an issue.

So, you have to be careful with your physical health.

Spend time to develop and maintain it by exercising.

The time you take to do this, do not have to be lengthy.

However, it has to be a regular practice.

As you improve your health you would not find it difficult to pursue what you want.

Relationships – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do – How to Know What You Want To Do

When we say relationships, we mean both professional and personal relationships.

However, we would look more at personal relationships.

That is, your family and friends.

The kind of relationships you have with these people can affect your thoughts about what you want to do in your life.

If you have an unhealthy relationship with them, it might deprive you of knowing what you want or going for what you want.

For example, you have a selfish and toxic partner that receives from you without giving.

This person has made you sacrifice several things without showing appreciation or acknowledgment.

They are more interested in bettering themselves without considering you.

This relationship is negative and would never let you discover what you want, grow, or become better.

However, when the case is the opposite, you will flourish.

The relationships you keep should be a support system as you figure out what you want to do.

Hence, you have to ensure that your relationships are healthy.

If a person does not want to grow a healthy relationship with you, then it is best to let them go by cutting them out of your life.

Or you can limit your contact with them.

Financial Status

Your financial status has a great impact on what you want to do in life.

Nobody wants to be struggling non stop with their finances.

Hence, people seek those things that would elevate their financial status.

As good as this is, you should not center your attention on doing only things that would bring you money.

Ensure that you do things that make you happy and give you satisfaction or fulfillment.

Whatever you venture into doing for money, ensure that what you offer is worth it.

Mental Strength– How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

If you are not mentally strong, you would be able to find out what you want to do in life.

Hence, your mental health should not be played with.

You have to ensure that you avoid those things that can negatively impact your mental health and life in general.

Practice mindfulness and meditation.

This way, when you are thinking about what you want to do in your life, you would be mentally fit and avoid deciding on the wrong things

Check here to discover why entrepreneurs need to talk about their mental health.

Spiritual Wellness

When we say ‘spirituality’ it means different things for different people.

For some people, spirituality is their belief in a supreme being, religion.

While for others, spirituality can mean yoga, meditation, etc.

Whatever spirituality means to you, it is something that provides people with a deeper sense of purpose.

Your spirituality provides you with peace and can calm you down to figure out what you want to do in life.

Work – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

In most cases, when people are trying to figure out or know what they want to do, they already have a paying job or career.

However, their jobs might not be what they want to do.

Hence, they might try to change their job, or improve themselves to secure the work they want or do something else they want.

Questions That Would Help You Figure Out What You Want To Do

How do you figure out what I really want to do

To figure out what you want to do in life, you have to have some alone time and reflect on your life.

During your reflection period, you ought to search inward to find out that thing you want to do.

You cannot just start probing into your consciousness to get answers.

Questions are what will produce answers.

We know that you might not know the right questions to ask.

Hence, we have prepared some questions that would help you figure out what you want to do.

What Am I Passionate About?

No matter who a person is, they have passion for one thing or the other.

That means you too have a passion.

Your passion can point you towards what you want to do in life.

So, pose this question to yourself ‘what am I passionate about?’

Understand that passion is the strong emotion of hate or love toward something.

However, in this context, when we talk about love and passion, we mean the strong feeling of love towards something.

In other words, what do you love doing?

‘What is that thing you can do well and makes you happy?’

‘Is it writing, decorating, or advising people about their finance?’

Ask yourself questions and sincerely answer the question.

When we talk about hate and passion, ask your self what you hate strongly?

What can you do to solve the problem?

You will not only figure out what you want to do when you know your passion but also find fulfilment in doing it.

Your passion for something would help you to find purpose, fulfillment, happiness, and make your life more productive.

What is My Greatest Accomplishment? – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

No matter the point or height you are in your life, you will have done or achieved something you were proud of.

So, try to remember what that thing is.

If it is more than one, have them written out.

When you are done, think about how you felt when you made that accomplishment?

Did you feel very proud about it?

Were you filled with enthusiasm and gusto when you made that accomplishment?

If it did, then it is something you should consider doing in your life.

Let’s assume that once you managed a business for someone and you performed excellently with the business.

Then, you can consider owning your own business and managing it yourself.

You would be glad that you are doing something that gives you a sense of accomplishment.

What Will I Do If There Was No Limit?

Assume that you have no limit in life; enough money and endless time.

Then try asking yourself questions like this:

What would I do with my time and money?

Who would I like to spend my time with?

Which places in the world would like to?

Who will I help?

What will I learn?

When there is endless possibility, your mind will be open to answering different questions.

You would not feel limited by your thinking pattern, life matters, and your skills.

Therefore, you should use that chance to find answers for things you would want to do.

Allow yourself to think of different possibilities.

What Should I Aim For? – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

Only this question can help you figure out what you want to do in your life if you look inwardly and answer it sincerely.

Now, aims are those things you want to attain.

When you can figure out what you want to attain in different aspects of your life, you would be able to figure out what you want in life.

So, dig deep and look at the different aspects of your life.

Ask yourself questions about what you want in every aspect of your life.

Remember that it is when you answer sincerely that you would figure out what you want.

These aspects of your life are mental strength, health, finance, relationship, and professional life.

Who Do I Respect and Admire Most?

Yes, everybody is unique.

However, there are things that you would like about someone else and want to imitate.

Those things can help you figure out what you want to do.

Your respect for a person might be a result of what the person does and how they do it.

So, think of that person you respect most.

What do they do?

Do you admire what they do?

Would you like to do that?

Do not be surprised if you figure out that you would want to do what someone else is doing.

Know that it is not a bad thing.

However, ensure that while you do that thing, you remain who you are.

This way, your uniqueness will still be seen.

What Don’t I Like Doing? – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

Another good question to help you figure out what you want to do is ‘what doesn’t I like doing?’

So, ask yourself that question.

When you get to know what you don’t like doing, you will know not to look in that direction.

As a result, you would focus on other things that you are more comfortable and happy doing.

For instance, you might hate working for someone in the confined of an office for long hours.

Hence, working for someone is not something you want to do.

This would make you look towards the opposite of this, which is working for yourself.

Working for yourself entails starting a business and deciding your working terms.

If this is what you want to do, then finding out what you do not like has brought you to realize it.

So, ‘what are those things you dislike?’

Tips on How to Know What You Want To Do 

What do I want out of life

The questions we shared will help you to figure out what you want to do in life.

When you get your answers, you need to know for sure if that is what you want to do.

Hence, we would share with you some tips that will help you know if your answers are what you want to do.

Be Selfish

Most times, we avoid doing things that we want to do because we are bothered about what others might think.

As a result of this, you find yourself giving up your dreams and time for others.

This can stop you from getting to know what you want to do.

Even if you figure out what you want to do in life, you might feel unsure because you are letting other person’s issues and opinions cloud your mind.

Yes, it’s good to be selfless and concerned about people’s issues.

However, it is rather an unwise thing to do when it would stop you from doing things for yourself.

So, do not let your answers be influenced by others.

Be selfish and put yourself first.

When you are selfish, you would know if what you chose to do is ‘what you want to do’ or something someone else wants.

Notice Your Emotions – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

Two emotions people feel when they want to do something they want to do is excitement and fear.

However, not everybody feels these two emotions.

Some people are only excited.

Then some who get both scared and excited.

These emotions can indicate that this is what you want to do.

The fear is often because you do not want to mess up your chance at doing this thing right.

You are anxious because it is something you want.

So, if you get scared or anxious, and excited about something when you think about it, then you can use that to know if that is what you want.

If you do not feel either of these emotions, then it is most likely not what you want to do.

So, consider your answers to your questions.

Do you feel excited or scared about doing that thing?

If you do not, then you should consider moving on.

For example, you might have asked yourself who you admire the most and thought about doing what they are doing.

However, if you think about doing what they do, and do not feel excited or anxious about doing that same thing, then it’s not for you.

Hence, you have to move on to something else.

How do I know what field I am interested in

Get To Know Your Bothers

You can know what you want to do by finding out those things bothering you.

Understand that the things you want to do in your life might not be things that you are passionate about.

Some of the things you want to do might be those things that would help you fix a situation or condition in your life.

For example, being financially unstable can be a bother.

When you know and see it as a bother, you would see it as something that needs to be fixed.

As a result, it will make you think about what you can do about it.

This would provide you with an idea of what you can do to fix it.

Hence, the conclusion you would come to would not only be what you “want” to do but something you “need” to do.

Be Calm – How to Figure Out What You Want To Do/How to Know What You Want To Do

Figuring out and knowing what you want to do in life requires you to be level-headed.

Hence, when you want to know what you want to do you need to be calm.

This would help you to avoid making decisions rashly.

Also, being frustrated about not knowing what you want to do will not help you.

So, keep a straight head.

Have some alone time and go through the questions we shared in your mind.

Or you can write the questions and your answers out.

Then, be calm, and consider and recheck if your answers are what you want.


How do I find my passion and interest

What do I want to do in my life?

If you are asking yourself or someone this question, then you need help in getting the right answer.

In this article, we have shared nuggets of information that will help you to figure out what you want to do/how to know what you want to do.

So, we ask that you take advantage of it, and find out what you want to do in your life.